Other Interactive Maps
I usually have several map projects in various degrees of completion. Those that get refined to a point that I consider useable to the public are promoted on the other map project pages, the site index and the about page.
There are several projects that are in this limbo, where I intend to make them full-fledged "map apps" on NJ State Atlas. They're still useful, but not refined to the point that I want. So, in the effort of getting my maps out there, I'll list the others that aren't quite there yet here.
United States National Grid Application
The National Grid app is a demonstration project intended to familiarize people with the US National Grid. You can mouse over or click on the map to get that location in USNG coordinates, or double-click to see how the "fuzzy" nature of the coordinate system is represented on the map.
Municipal Profiles
The Municipal Profiles app is a project without a map at this time. It's still a great resource - I've gathered numerous databases that tabluate their information on the municipal level. Choose a municipality and tables of info. It'll eventually have an interactive map component.
Environmental Data
I'm starting to gather various environmental datasets in one map application. DEP's been talking for years about having a "Know what's near you live" map application. I-Map was supposed to fill that purpose. It hasn't. I'm going to try to get something together that's quick, simple to use, and open source.
Directions with Landmarks
Wouldn't it be great if Google Maps gave you directions with "turn here when you see X"? This is a sample application that does just that. Not very refined, but you can get an idea of what I was looking for.
Even More In The Works...
There are even more projects I have hosted here that I'm not mentioning. County-wide parcel viewers, multi-media maps, huge data mashups. If you want to know more, drop me a line or send me a tweet.
About the Author
John Reiser is a Planning and GIS Specialist at the Office of Smart Growth. He is also an adjunct professor at Rowan University, teaching GIS and Mapping Science courses. He currently lives in Highland Park, New Jersey with his wife, Kate.
Need an urban planner/GIS specialist/web guy? Download John's resume.